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mercredi 8 octobre 2008

Save the kittens!

As you watch this video ( and after you register to vote -- if you haven't already -- remember what God does to kittens if you vote Republican. Even if you don't believe in God.

Think about how good Obama looked last night: stately, proud, kind, relaxed and wearing a suit that actually fit him.

Think about how, um, bad John McCain looked: stumpy, grumpy, about to bust out of his girdle or body cast or whatever he's wearing under that suit. The suit looked too small; his tie was too wide; he has way more than his fair share of acorns stashed away in that left cheek of his.

And what about the ladies? Michelle O in a simple, warm red dress and Cindy M in a cold blue nember. Michelle with a big smile on her face; Cindy remaining two steps behind her man at all times. Anxious to get away from these little people. Ewwww! How many limp handshakes does a girl gotta give before she can just get in that limo and drive away?