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mercredi 13 avril 2011

Silvio Forever at Cannes?



La conférence de presse du 64e Festival se tiendra le 14 avril prochain.

A cette date, vous pourrez télécharger le dossier de presse 2011 avec les listes des Jurys et des films sélectionnés.

Les informations détaillées sur tous les films de la Sélection officielle, les Jurys et les événements seront accessibles en ligne une semaine avant l'ouverture de la manifestation.

So it won't be official until tomorrow. But I have heard that the unofficial bio of Italy's unsinkable, unthinkable Prime Minister will be on the list. Click on the title for a link to the film's official website.

Robert de Niro has been selected to chair the jury that will hand out the awards. This year, the festival begins on May 11 and closes on May 22 with the announcement of the Palme d'Or.

I don't have a bucket list, but I have always wanted to go to the Cannes Film Festival just once. I don't see it happening this year either. And I still haven't seen the winner of the 2010 César and the Grand Prix at Cannes last year,DES HOMMES ET DES DIEUX. It's playing in Seattle right now, at the Harvard Exit. I may have to take a break from the avalanche of work and see it.

Incidentally, the official Cannes Film Festival website is one of my favorites. It is extremely well organized and beautiful to look at.

Speaking of beau à voir, here is this year's official affiche. Faye Dunaway, circa 1970.